Working to Engage Unreached People Groups With the Good News of the Gospel
In more recent times our church has been asking God for ways in which we can support unreached people groups. One of the countries that is amongst the highest unreached people groups in the world is Japan. With a population of over 120 million Japan has only about 0.3% of the population that are evangelical Christians. Our church believes God has called us to connect with churches in Japan to support the growth of the Gospel.
The churches in Japan are very small and there are very few trained pastors to teach the people. The nature of Japanese culture makes it very difficult for someone to convert to Christianity so the churches are struggling and in need of encouragement and training. Our church is praying that God will open ways in which we can partner with churches in Japan to support the work of the Gospel. Our goal is to be able to send teams over to Japan to encourage them and to provide training for pastors and church leaders.
We are excited to announce that Joel and Jo Zerna have both felt the call from God to not only support Japan but to actually go there as short term missionaries. They are currently spending 11 months in Japan in 2022 working under OMF in the city of Sendai which is on the northern part of the island of Honshu. If you wish to follow their journey you can long into their blog which will give a lot more information.
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