MumCo provides time out for mums with a quality creche run by those with a heart for children.
MumCo is a place to gain perspective, enjoy some free time and form lifelong friendships.
MumCo offers teaching by an experienced mum who shares on topics and gives practical ideas to help the mother of a preschooler fulfill her many roles.
Topics include parenting, marriage, money management, time management, self-esteem, etc.
Who's It For?
Any mums with children from Birth to Reception age.
When Is It?
Alternate Wednesday mornings 9.30am - 11.30am during school terms
Cost: $5.00 - covers morning tea, quality creche and simple craft. EFTPOS available
Where Is It?
Elizabeth Church of Christ (38 Ashfield Rd, Elizabeth SA)
Who to Contact?
Church office - 8255 2467